Thursday, February 14, 2013

Gender Neutral?

So, since many argue that gender socialization is negative and that genders shouldn't be separated into certain roles, why not raise our children to be gender neutral? A couple in Canada has decided to do just this... to a really extreme level.

This couple has chosen to keep the gender of their third child a secret to everybody - the public, friends, even the child's grandparents. They have decided to not tell their child his or her sex, to see how the child would group up as a gender neutral individual. The parents already encourage their other two sons to break stereotypes - one of their sons has long hair that he sometimes likes to wear in pigtail braids. This type of raising in a gender neutral setting is more extreme than other cases, and it has caused a lot of controversy as the parents are "using the child as a lab experiment." Whether this is true or not, it is an interesting approach to how much gender development really affects the development of a child.

In my opinion, the parents have gone a little far in shaping the life of this gender-less child. On the other hand, it is an interesting social experiment that will answer the questions of many sociologists and psychologists. It is just sad to see that the life of this child is already commercialized and shared with the public, simply based on the radical decisions of his or her parents. I am interested in how the baby turns out, but I don't agree morally with the choice of the parents to do this.

1 comment:

  1. I think that the parents are making such a bold move. I agree with the people saying that they're using their child as a lab rat. They should raise their son or daughter as either a boy or girl, and if the child decides he or she doesn't want to be that, then let him or her make that decision. It's not something the parents should impose on their child. That baby may be so embarrassed of their past when he or she grows up.
