Friday, March 15, 2013

Breaking the Stereotypes

This short documentary, made by fifth graders in Brooklyn, is focused on breaking gender stereotypes using clothing and sports as their examples. The boy in the video wears a bright pink scarf and hat and shows the reactions of his fifth grade peers, adults, and teenagers. His view and the view of his friends making the video is that there should be no issue with boys wearing pink. They touch on topics like being gay and assumptions made based on gender stereotyping, which can be seen throughout the video. The fact of the matter is, though, that there is a group of fifth graders out there willing to challenge the stereotype. Who knows? Maybe this could mean that the stereotype will someday disappear?

This video made me really happy, honestly. Watching a group kids have the bravery to make a video about breaking away from the traditional views they were brought up made me smile a lot because it shows that there are people who understand the negative effects of gender socialization and who want these effects to disappear and change. This is a good last post for my blog because it offers hope --- hope that maybe someday, gender socialization won't be as potent as it is today. Males and females will be treated as equals, and boys will be allowed to wear as much pink as they want.

1 comment:

  1. I watched the video and found it so interesting how a group of fifth graders can engage in understanding stereotypes, and trying to break the norms of them. It does make you think that because these kids are so young that clearly stereotypes are starting to change as time goes on. The video shows that kid's views are changing and what might have been considered strange or un-heard of (like a boy wearing a pink scarf) is something that could not be judged in society anymore.
