Friday, April 26, 2013

My Final Post!

Well... here it is. My last post! My survey has officially been completed by all 10 children who I asked to fill it out. For the most part, they fell right into the gender socialization trap. The boys liked cars and trucks, the girls liked dolls. The boys liked blue and green, the girls liked pink and purple. However, there were notable exceptions (such as the one I wrote about last week) and there were plenty of gender neutral answers. Three of the children - two boys and one girl - said their favorite color was red. Another big surprise was my ten year old neighbor, Ben, who said that his best friend was Isabelle. At that in-between age, it is assumed that your best friend is the same gender as you, but Ben broke that stereotype with his girl best friend.

Overall, I wasn't surprised by my results. I had hoped to see some gender neutralization, and some answers that stood out to me as different. This did happen, along with the usual gender socialized answers one would expect. Who knows what could happen 20 years from now though. There were some gender-neutral answers here... maybe by then there will be even more.

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